Title: The Art of Bouncing Back: Find Your Flow to Thrive at Work and in Life ― Any Time You’re Off Your Game 

Author: Darleen “Coach Dar” Santore

Hardcover: 208 pages

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Publishing date: Feb. 28, 2023

Who is this book for? 

  • Anyone struggling through a rough patch with their finances or another area in life.
  • Anyone looking to build a stronger emotional foundation to help them survive – and thrive – when life throws them curveballs.

What’s inside this book?

  • Coach Dar’s proven strategies and techniques as a mental skills coach to help others with bouncing back when life gets them down. 
  • Coach Dar’s stories of how she and her clients rebounded after financial devastation and other setbacks throughout her 25+ year career.

4 lessons you’ll learn from this book:  

  1. Any adversity you face in life can create new opportunities for growth. 
  2. Pour a strong emotional foundation now to prepare yourself for future challenges.
  3. When you connect with your “Why-Power,” you can create your own bounce-back environment.
  4. Every setback you encounter in life can be instantly reframed. 

4 questions this book will answer for you:  

  1. How do world-class athletes suffer through defeat and come back stronger; and how can I do the same?
  2. How can I increase my confidence, emotional intelligence, agility and resilience to build my business or career?
  3. What’s the right way to accept feedback?
  4. How can I identify the exact pivot I need to push myself forward?

What people are saying about this book: 

“In The Art of Bouncing Back, Coach Dar shares 9 simple and practical ways to not only bounce back but thrive again. A must-have guide in everyone’s home.”— Bob Goff

“This book is an essential road map for those needing hope, tools for change, and a vision for their lives.” — J. Douglas Holladay

“Anyone who has had the privilege of learning from Coach Dar knows she offers sage counsel and guidance, and as a person she is truly one of a kind. When applying her leadership principles, our executive team was able to successfully lead a Fortune 500 Company through the uncharted waters of a global pandemic and come out on the other side stronger and more aligned than ever.” — Sheryl Palmer

“The Art of Bouncing Back is a must-read!..There is something in it for everyone.” — John H. Dalton

This book can be purchased many locations, including on Amazon.

Cover of book The Art of Bouncing Back